What You Focus on Grows
Whatever You Focus On Grows! The more you pay attention to something the more of it you get! This is a wonderful concept if what you’re paying attention
Author, Speaker, Energy Alignment Practitioner & Personal Empowerment Coach
Today I’d like to talk about a quick, easy way that you can improve your mood and raise your vibration. Singing!
Music is pure vibration and has been used since the beginning of time by all cultures to set a mood, raise people’s energy and to celebrate.
Songs, hymns and chanting are used in all religious and spiritual traditions for worship, praise and celebration.
Preschool and elementary teachers know that small children love singing and music and will enthusiastically join in with simple, upbeat songs. It’s a great way to keep them happy and engaged!
When I was a child both my mother and grandmother used to sing regularly. They sang while they did chores around the house, and they sang while they cooked. They would start family “sing-a-longs” when we rode in the car, they sang to us at bedtime and they would get us all singing as we gathered around the piano on the holidays.
I carried on this tradition with my own children when they were small. I used to sing to them and with them every day – we had special songs we sang for clean-up and bedtime. Both of my children and I really loved it! Singing put us in a happy and playful mood while doing tasks and gave us a sense of stability and soothing at bedtime.
It’s been a long time since my children were little and I’ve noticed that as the years have gone on I sing less and less. But lately I’ve been experimenting with singing again. I’ve been singing first thing in the morning, in the shower, while I’m working around the house, in the car or if I’m aware that I’m feeling stressed or down. I’ve noticed that’ I’ve been feeling a lot happier, lighter, and more playful!
The Benefits of Singing
Singing tricks your brain into thinking that you’re happy even if you’re not because it releases the feel-good chemicals called endorphins into your brain.
The military understands this. That’s why they have the troops sing simple, chant type songs while doing unpleasant things like long marches.
Give it a try if you have household tasks that you need to do but don’t really enjoy – it works! Not only does singing increase the “feel-good” chemicals in your brain but the deep breathing needed to sing draws more oxygen into your blood which is really good for your cells and your health.
Also, while you’re singing you are not thinking so it shuts off those ANT’s (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and allows your mind to be in a more positive, receptive state. Which means that it changes your mood to a higher, better feeling vibration!
The other thing that singing, humming, and chanting does is it stimulates your body’s Vagus Nerve. The Vagus Nerve helps regulate the nervous system and activating it this way can turn off the Sympathetic Nervous System (fight or flight) and turn on the Para-sympathetic Nervous System (rest & relaxation).
If you’re feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, try singing a song or if don’t want to sing try taking a deep breath in and releasing it out in a long hum. Keep breathing in and humming out until you feel relaxed and calm.
So, today I challenge you to give it a try. It doesn’t matter if you can carry a tune or not. Just choose a simple feel-good song or sing along with one! It doesn’t matter how you do it – just sing! – Bonnie
This process comes from my book The Appreciation Game – A 30-Day Process the Increase Happiness, Satisfaction & Well-Being! – Bonnie
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