Whatever You Focus On Grows! The more you pay attention to something the more of it you get! This is a wonderful concept if what you’re paying attention to is something that you like and want more of; but if your focus is on a problem or an issue that you’d like to change, it […]
Month: January 2023
Your Mind Likes What’s Familiar
Your Mind Likes What’s Familiar You have probably heard it’s important to think positively, but sometimes that’s easier said than done! If you’ve ever tried to monitor your thoughts and change your worrying into optimism, you’ve quickly found out how hard that is to do! Sometimes it seems like our thoughts have a mind of […]
Sing to Calm & Uplift Yourself
Sing to Calm & Uplift Yourself! Today I’d like to talk about a quick, easy way that you can improve your mood and raise your vibration. Singing! Music is pure vibration and has been used since the beginning of time by all cultures to set a mood, raise people’s energy and to celebrate. Songs, hymns […]